Love Settles In

In the grand fabric of life, love weaves its own intricate pattern. It arrives exactly when it’s supposed to, not a moment too soon, not a second too late. It comes in like the tide, gentle and inevitable, filling the empty spaces, making itself at home. “Welcome,” we say, our hearts fluttering like butterflies, “make yourself comfortable.”

Love settles in, wraps itself around us like a warm blanket on a cold night. It becomes a part of us, a part of our story, a part of our being. It fills our days with laughter, our nights with dreams, and our lives with meaning.

But love, like all things, is transient. It leaves exactly when it must. It slips away like sand through our fingers, leaving behind only memories and echoes of laughter. It leaves, but it never truly goes away. It leaves a part of itself behind, a piece of its essence that lingers in the corners of our hearts.

When love leaves, we ask it to leave the door open behind it. Not as an invitation to return, but as a reminder of its presence, of its impact, of its legacy. We turn off the music, the melodies that once filled our lives, and we listen to the quiet. The quiet isn’t empty, it’s filled with whispers of love, echoes of laughter, and memories of moments shared.

And in that quiet, we find gratitude. Gratitude for the love that was, for the love that is, and for the love that will be. We whisper into the silence, “Thank you for stopping by.” Not as a goodbye, but as an acknowledgment, a recognition of love’s journey.

So, here we are, in the quiet, in the aftermath of love. We are not empty; we are filled with love’s echoes. We are not alone; we are accompanied by love’s memories. We are not lost; we are found in love’s legacy. And for that, we are eternally grateful. Thank you, Love, for stopping by.

Copyright © Beatriz Esmer

Dry Pastel Art – Collection “Gente”

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