“The Noble Foot and the Veil of Beauty”

In the quiet chambers of existence, where whispers of truth echo through the corridors of perception, there resides a question—an inquiry that pierces the veil of convention and dances upon the edge of revelation. What spirit, pray tell, is so empty and blind that it cannot recognize the silent wisdom woven into the fabric of our being? For behold, the foot—the humble traveler of dust and dew—is more noble than the shoe that cradles it. It bears the weight of countless journeys, imprinting the earth with tales of pilgrimage and wanderlust. The shoe, a mere vessel, bows in reverence to … Continue reading “The Noble Foot and the Veil of Beauty”

In the Garden of Words

Poetry is never born at the mere movement of a pen. It is not ink spilled carelessly, but rather a quiet awakening. It emerges when the heart, once turbulent, finds stillness—a tranquil harbor where words can take root. Only when the soul rests deeply, like a weary traveler finding solace beneath ancient trees, do the seeds of verse begin to sprout. They push through the fertile soil of our emotions, seeking light, air, and the tender touch of inspiration. Beauty, my dear friend, is woven into the fabric of existence. It dances in the dew-kissed petals of morning flowers, whispers … Continue reading In the Garden of Words

Beauty’s Touch

In the tender years of my youth, beauty’s touch caused my heart to ascend, akin to the noble eagles’ flight above the regal peaks. Vitality coursed through my veins, and I embraced liberty, discovering a fervor for the boundless wild. Amidst the daffodils’ dance, I spread my arms, wings in spirit, and soared across the mind’s vast landscapes—over craggy mountains, rolling dales, and the endless shores. With mangos in grasp, amidst leaves of myriad forms, I hearkened to the avian songs that wafted through the vernal zephyrs. For timeless hours, I’d repose in the verdant blades, gazing skyward at the … Continue reading Beauty’s Touch

The Elders Wisdom

In the hallowed halls of ancient wisdom, the Elders speak of a profound truth: to speak is to weave the fabric of reality. With every word uttered, we send forth ripples of vibrational energy, resonating with the very frequency of life itself. Our voices are the conductors of this symphony, our heartbeats the metronome keeping time with the universe’s ceaseless rhythm. Sound, that ethereal sculptor, molds our existence, shaping our thoughts and dreams into tangible form. It is the healer, whose soothing tones can mend the fragmented soul; the motivator, whose rallying cry can ignite the flames of passion; the … Continue reading The Elders Wisdom

The Beauty of Feeling Too Much

In the quietude of my being, there lies a tumultuous sea—waves of emotions crashing within, a tempest of thoughts that refuse to be tamed. Perhaps I feel with an intensity that scorches the soul, a fervor that oscillates between the zenith of joy and the nadir of sorrow. I am the artist moved to tears by the silent symphony of a world unseen, the rebel whose heart bleeds at the sight of injustice, the dreamer who finds ecstasy in the golden dance of sunlight upon verdant leaves. To be overwhelmed, to be lost, to be utterly consumed by the sheer … Continue reading The Beauty of Feeling Too Much

A Grand Ocean

In the hallowed halls of our being, we are but mariners adrift in the vastness of ourselves. This body, a grand ocean, cradles the mysteries of the deep—hidden reefs and sunken vaults, where treasures beyond measure lie in wait. Dare to dive beneath the surface, where the light of understanding flickers in the dark, waiting for the spark of curiosity to ignite its flame. In the secret chambers of the soul, kindle your inner lantern, let it guide you through the labyrinthine gardens of the self. Here, in the verdant groves within, rare orchards bloom with wisdom’s fruit, and peacocks … Continue reading A Grand Ocean


Your presence, a gentle landing that stretches days into endless horizons, brightens the mundane into a kaleidoscope of joy. I find delight in every hue, hear sacred whispers in the zephyr’s breath. To love you is to become an alchemist of beauty, crafting splendor from the ordinary, learning the seasons of bloom from the words you speak. My heart embarks on a sacred journey, seeking your essence without the intent of return, for love is the ultimate offering, expecting no reciprocation. With eyes wide open, I witness your emergence amidst the foliage of time, and with skin yearning for warmth, … Continue reading Landing


The sacred is not confined to hallowed halls or holy texts; it is the quietude in a hammock’s sway on a lazy Sunday, the anticipation in an airport’s embrace. It is the stillness between life’s cacophony, a late-night tea, a duvet’s cozy retreat. Sacredness is the aroma of a meal, the earth’s perfume after rain, the silence of a fulfilled desire. It is the window that frames the dying day, the kiss that speaks without words, the surrender of entwined souls. In a room of cherished memories, the sacred finds its home, a gentle reprieve from the mundane. It coexists … Continue reading Sacred

I wonder why arrivals never hurt, I wonder why departures always do …

I am captivated by the ebb and flow of existence; the comings and goings that stitch the fabric of our days. Each breath, a silent witness to life’s fleeting dance, marks the rhythm of a world in constant motion. The rise and fall, a testament to the cycles that govern us — the heartbeat of the cosmos in the chest of humanity. The push and pull, a force as old as time, propels the cars that rush by in a steady stream, each a vessel of stories untold. Hellos and farewells punctuate our journeys, brief encounters that shape the narrative … Continue reading I wonder why arrivals never hurt, I wonder why departures always do …

Sometimes love says goodbye

In the quiet hours of the night, love often takes flight, a specter slipping through the grasp of those who wish to clasp it tight. It is a wisp of smoke, a fleeting dream that dances just beyond the beam of our desperate lanterns. We reach out, fingers trembling, but it evades us, always just out of reach, leaving us with the echo of its whisper. Love, they say, is a wild thing. It fears the cage as much as the bird within fears the sky. It is the untamed wind that howls at the door, the river that overflows … Continue reading Sometimes love says goodbye