I, the sea, You, The worn out ship

In the vast expanse of the sea, a worn-out ship sailed, carrying with it the weight of pain. Like the fierce Greek fire, this pain intensified as it was discarded, cast away by you in an attempt to rid yourself of its burden. But as I, the sea, tried to embrace this pain, to submerge it deep within my waters, it only grew stronger, consuming you in its fiery grip. You, in your anguish, cursed and wept at my seemingly cruel nature. How could I, the sea, be so heartless as to allow this pain to consume you? Desperate to … Continue reading I, the sea, You, The worn out ship

Dear writer,

Pressed between the pages of your heart, I long to be a chapter in the book of your dreams. Let my words intertwine with your own, creating a narrative that resonates with the depths of your soul. Together, we can craft a story that captures the essence of your desires, the emotions that dance within you, and the wisdom you wish to impart. Tucked away in a cedar chest, alongside the remnants of what once brought you joy, let me be a cherished treasure. Like a forgotten relic, I yearn to be rediscovered, to evoke memories of a time when … Continue reading Dear writer,

Take me …

Take me on a journey, to a majestic mountain, standing tall and distant. Are you gripped by the fear of falling? Allow the wind to be your guide, your conscience. Listen to that voice within you, the one that has slumbered for countless centuries. It is the voice that breathed life into my existence, resonating like an echo within a serene cave. That very voice spilled forth blood, sweat, and rivers of emotions within me. Read me, immerse yourself in my words. Let them escape your lips, resonating in the open air. Inhale the crisp oxygen, refreshing your lungs, as … Continue reading Take me …

The subtleties of my Soul …

The wind always blowing in favor; Life shaping the landscape. The music of harmony and the beat of the heart Within the subtleties of my soul, I find a sunrise that illuminates my chest, filling it with warmth and hope. A smile reflects back at me, a reflection of the joy that resides within. As I walk upon the beautiful sands of time, I feel the wind always blowing in my favor, guiding me towards new experiences and opportunities. Life, like a skilled sculptor, shapes the landscape of my existence. It molds me, molds my experiences, and molds the world … Continue reading The subtleties of my Soul …

My body

In a world that often seeks to control and judge, I stand firm in declaring that my body is not a battleground. It is not a place for others to wage their wars or project their insecurities. My body is a sanctuary, a vessel that carries the essence of who I am. It is not a cautionary tale, a warning to others about the consequences of their actions or choices. My body is not a canvas for society to paint its expectations upon, nor is it an advertising space for others to exploit. It is not there to validate or … Continue reading My body

I allow myself to say I know nothing, but I know that I belong there in lost time, lost in me, lost in you, I learn in between your lines, I reinvent myself, you teach me, and we walk together…

In the vast expanse of knowledge, I humbly admit my ignorance. I acknowledge that there is so much I do not know, yet amidst this uncertainty, I find solace in the understanding that I belong to a realm beyond time, where I am lost in the depths of my own being and intertwined with you. In the spaces between your words, I discover profound lessons. It is within the subtleties of our interactions that I find the wisdom to grow and evolve. Your presence becomes a catalyst for my self-reinvention, as I learn to navigate the intricacies of life alongside … Continue reading I allow myself to say I know nothing, but I know that I belong there in lost time, lost in me, lost in you, I learn in between your lines, I reinvent myself, you teach me, and we walk together…

Love, the very essence that binds us

In a world devoid of love, life loses its essence and purpose. Love, the very essence that binds us together, is the driving force that gives meaning to our existence. Without it, we are left empty, longing for a connection that transcends all boundaries. Love is not confined to romantic relationships alone; it permeates every aspect of our lives. In our work, love is the catalyst that transforms mere labor into a fulfilling endeavor. Without love, our efforts become monotonous and soulless, reducing us to mere slaves of routine. Simplicity, when devoid of love, becomes a shallow facade. It is … Continue reading Love, the very essence that binds us

Love: my religion

Love, a divine force that transcends boundaries, becomes my religion. It is within the depths of this devotion that I discovered a profound connection. On my knees, at the sacred meeting of your thighs, love coursed through my veins, igniting a fervor that reached the very tips of my being. In you, I found a deity, your body becoming the temple where I crowned my devotion. With reverence, I worshipped, as if you were the sun reaching its climax, illuminating my existence. In the sacred act of parting your lips, I whispered a prayer, a plea against the constraints of … Continue reading Love: my religion

A multitude of voices

Within the depths of my being, I am composed of a multitude of voices, each clamoring for attention. This place, this sanctuary I have carved with my own hands, serves as a well where these voices find refuge. Here, they reveal themselves, whispering secrets and truths that often remain hidden. But if I am different in this realm, if the words I pen here diverge from the reality I inhabit, does that make me a deceiver? I cannot say for certain. Perhaps it makes me a different kind of honesty, one that unveils the depths of my soul through the … Continue reading A multitude of voices

May you find solace…

May you find solace and strength. Let your stories flow from pen to paper, a testament to the battles fought and the victories won. Share your wars, not seeking understanding from all, but rather as a cathartic release. Write about the pain that resides within, for in the act of writing, you may find healing. Let the ink spill onto the page, carrying with it the weight of your burdens. Through the power of expression, may you find solace and release, as the words become a balm for your weary soul. Allow your weary bones to find rest within the … Continue reading May you find solace…