The Wandering Soul

And me… I travel the old roads again and again, wearing a different life. In the quiet of dawn, when the world still slumbers, I become a wanderer. The ancient paths, etched by time and memory, beckon me. Each step is a whisper—a conversation with the ghosts of yesteryears. The cobblestones remember my footfalls, though they’ve crumbled and shifted. The gnarled oaks stretch their branches, as if reaching for secrets hidden in their leaves. The sun, rising like a golden lantern, casts shadows that dance with forgotten tales. I wear different skins—sometimes a weary traveler, sometimes a starry-eyed dreamer. My … Continue reading The Wandering Soul

Embracing Life’s Uncertainties

Who are you, little seed, to fathom the vast expanse of your tomorrows? How audacious it is to set your sights based solely on a bleak forecast. Are you not aware that the world viewed from a gray window is but a monochrome reflection of reality? What temerity it is to renounce the divine guidance of your journey, promising yourself only the sorrows of forthcoming seasons. Who are you to chart the course of life when you exist but to falter and learn? The deep roots are well-acquainted with the shadows, yet they draw sustenance from the light that filters … Continue reading Embracing Life’s Uncertainties

Eternal Connections

I shall not utter the words of parting, for where could I venture where your essence does not permeate? We are not two entities divided, but rather, we are the dual manifestations of the same cosmic intellect, evolving in harmony. Wherever you wage your battles, know that I am there beside you, my spirit echoing your every move. Wherever your heart finds solace, mine too, finds peace. In moments of tranquility, you plunge into the profound depths of stillness, a serene ocean where the purest fragment of my being resides. Our journeys may trace divergent paths across the vast expanse … Continue reading Eternal Connections

Full of Soul

In a world that craved my sight, they wished for me to be sightless. They yearned for the allure of my eyes yet desired them to be blind to the truths that lay bare before them. They sought the beauty of my gaze, but not the vision that came with it. They admired the fullness of my lips but recoiled at the weight of the words they formed. They longed for the softness of my speech yet shunned the hard truths that slipped from my tongue. They wanted the whispers of sweet nothings, but not the roar of political discourse. … Continue reading Full of Soul

The Unspoken Word

Upon the precipice of expression, there lies a word, unvoiced and ethereal. It is not adorned with the grandeur of eloquence, nor does it bask in the light of common understanding. This word is a silent envoy of the heart’s deepest alcoves, a mere whisper of the spirit’s stirring. It is the embodiment of paradox, a word that provokes a tempest within the soul’s quietude. It is the ache of remembrance, the sharp pang of longing that carves hollows in the chest. Yet, in its embrace, it is also the harbinger of exultation, filling the void with a resonance that … Continue reading The Unspoken Word

The Birth of Art in Adversity

Art, my dear, is not a privilege bestowed upon the fortunate, nurtured in the cradle of affluence, nor is it the offspring of tender mothers and doting fathers. It is the phoenix that rises from the ashes of hardship, birthed in the narrow lanes of ghettos, in the heart of favelas, amidst the stark nakedness of poverty. Art does not discriminate. It does not segregate based on the color of one’s skin, the race they belong to, or the creed they adhere to. It is a generous spirit, a universal language that speaks to all, transcending man-made boundaries and biases. … Continue reading The Birth of Art in Adversity

Being Strong

In the quiet core of your being, listen. Listen to the salted caramel voices of the women within you. Their whispers are the echoes of a thousand generations, a symphony of strength and resilience. Their stories, heavy with wisdom and experience, paint vivid pictures on the canvas of your skin. This skin, it’s thick. Thick like the barriers we’ve crossed, the obstacles we’ve overcome. Thick like the borders we’ve birthed, the lines we’ve drawn in the sand to claim our space in the world. Thick like the borders we’ve burned, the constraints we’ve shattered in our quest for freedom. Yet, … Continue reading Being Strong

A Simple Reminder

Deep in your soul, you’ll discover a truth that’s as profound as it is simple: you are your own sanctuary. Yes, you can seek solace in the warmth of another’s embrace, intertwine your fingers with theirs, but the echo of loneliness cannot be silenced by mere physical presence. An empty house remains empty, no matter how many guests you invite, if the owner never returns. Sometimes, the hero of your story is you. There will be mornings when you’ll rise from your bed, your heart heavy as a stone sinking into the ocean’s depths. Yet, your legs will not falter, … Continue reading A Simple Reminder

The Bridge of Laughter and Tears

In the quiet hours of our shared existence, we dream of a bridge—a fragile span woven from laughter and tears. It is not a bridge of stone or steel, but of ephemeral moments that bind us. One day, we will laugh until our bellies ache, our eyes crinkling at the corners. Our laughter will echo across the chasm, filling the void with joy. We’ll share secrets, silly jokes, and memories—the kind that linger like the scent of rain on warm earth. And then, when the world turns somber, we’ll cry. Not the quiet tears of solitude, but the kind that … Continue reading The Bridge of Laughter and Tears

The Dance of Seasons

I am changing, a perpetual metamorphosis. Like a leaf caught in the whims of time, I twirl through the seasons. Each turn brings a new hue, a fresh face to the world. In spring, I unfurl like a tender bud, reaching for the sun. My veins pulse with life, and I wear the green cloak of hope. The air smells of possibility, and I sway with the breeze, eager to embrace the warmth. Summer arrives, and I bask in the golden glory. My edges crisp, kissed by the sun’s fiery lips. I am vibrant, alive, and my laughter rustles through … Continue reading The Dance of Seasons