Happy Ending

In the great mystery of life, there are things that appear destined to intersect with ours, to merge into our existence, no matter how much we long for them. However, they remain elusive, like a mirage in the desert of our desires. They are not meant to be bound to us, regardless of our wishes.

The threads that truly deserve to be woven into our life’s fabric are the ones that remain steadfast, even when the loom of life shakes with adversity. They are the ones who stand by us in the storm, their colors steadfast, their strength unwavering. They are the ones who not only weather the storm with us but also dance in the rain, their laughter echoing in the aftermath, a testament to resilience and enduring friendship.

Perhaps, the concept of a happy ending is not a grand finale with a chorus of characters. Perhaps, it is a solitary figure against the backdrop of a setting sun, their silhouette a symbol of strength and hope. It is you, standing alone yet unbroken, picking up the scattered pieces of your dreams, ready to weave a new tapestry.

Starting over is not a sign of defeat, but a testament to your courage. It is the act of freeing yourself from the shackles of past disappointments and opening your heart to the promise of future joys. It is the realization that you are the artist of your life, and every sunrise presents a blank canvas for you to paint your masterpiece.

Maybe, the happy ending is not about holding on, but about letting go. It is about releasing the threads that do not serve you, that do not add beauty to your tapestry. It is about understanding that every thread has its place, and sometimes, its place is not in your life’s design.

So, let go. Let go with grace and love. For in the act of letting go, you find freedom. In the act of letting go, you find your happy ending.

Copyright © Beatriz Esmer

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