My Melanin

In the tapestry of humanity, each thread has a unique hue, contributing to the grand design. However, certain threads are unjustly viewed with suspicion, their richness mistaken for shadow. My melanin—a rich, earthy tone—is seen not as a pigment but as a proclamation, a defiant statement against a society that has long equated darkness with danger. But how dare I? How dare I stand tall in this skin, a proud testament to my heritage? How dare I demand the respect freely given to others, as if my worth were equal?

I am a black woman, navigating a world where my very existence is often met with disregard. The least celebrated, the most degraded, I am told. But within me burns a fire that no scorn can quench. I will celebrate myself, my lineage, my vibrant culture that thrives despite the storms. I will rise, again and again, a phoenix from the ashes of disdain.

For I am the soil of my ancestors, fertile and enduring. My resilience is the seed from which generations have blossomed, and it is necessary—imperative—for us to continue to grow. In the garden of life, I am both the root and the bloom, and I will not be uprooted.

Copyright © Beatriz Esmer

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