Your Eyes

In the vast canvas of the cosmos, where celestial bodies dance in the silent music of the universe, I embarked on a journey transcending time and space. Across the night, through constellations that tell ancient tales, I voyaged past a million stars. Their brilliant fires, a myriad of suns, each a beacon on my odyssey.

And moons, those silent guardians of planets, witnessed my passage. They hung in the sky, silver medallions adorning the black velvet of infinity. Each crater, a story; each phase, a chapter in the chronicle of my quest. They smiled upon me, their light a gentle guide through the cosmic sea.

All this, a pilgrimage of the heart, a sojourn fueled by the yearning to behold the light in your eyes. For in that gaze, I found something more mesmerizing than the starry firmament. In the depth of your eyes, I discovered the birthplace of stars, the genesis of light, and the warmth of a love that outshines the universe itself.

Your eyes, a mirror to the soul, reflecting the beauty of galaxies yet unseen. In them, I saw the promise of new horizons, the whisper of undiscovered worlds, and the eternal glow of a love that knows no bounds. It was there, in the light of your eyes, that my journey found its end and its beginning, for every moment spent in their radiance was a journey unto itself.

Copyright © Beatriz Esmer

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