
I have been both the weaver and the thread, spun through the loom of chaos and cosmos. I have tasted the gods, their ambrosia bitter on my tongue, and danced wild and unhinged, a dervish whirling in the ecstasy of oblivion. I have doused myself in liquor, the elixir of forgetfulness, and ran naked down the street, shedding the shroud of conformity with every liberated step.

I have known the thrill of theft, the adrenaline of being stolen from, the shattering and the being shattered. In the crucible of experience, I have witnessed the birth and death of the universe in a singular, breathless moment—a cosmic dance of creation and destruction, an eternal cycle of becoming and unbecoming.

I have conversed with aliens, those enigmatic travelers of the stars, and ghosts, the lingering whispers of the past. I have been possessed by demons and muses alike, each leaving their indelible mark upon my soul. I have skirted the edges of the abyss, escaped death’s cold embrace too many times to count, burnt myself in the fires of passion, cut myself on the jagged edges of reality, drank the blood of life’s raw, unfiltered essence.

I have blown my brains into rainbows, splattered across the cool, wet concrete of existence, a kaleidoscope of pain and beauty. I know death, that old familiar foe, yet I have survived every time, rising from the ashes, reborn in the flames of my own destruction.

I have seen life at its darkest, a void where hope is but a distant star, and at its most beautiful, a masterpiece painted with the brushstrokes of love and wonder. Yet, amidst this vast expanse of knowledge, you remain an enigma, my unknown draped in white cloth mystery.

You are the cipher I cannot decode, the melody whose notes elude my grasp. I need to know you, to peel back the layers of your essence, to understand the secrets that lie beneath your silent gaze. I need to break the code, to unlock the chambers of your heart, to traverse the labyrinth of your mind.

For in knowing you, perhaps I will come to know myself, to unravel the mysteries that bind us both. You are the question to which I seek an answer, the puzzle whose solution promises enlightenment. So, I stand before you, an open book, yearning for the key that will reveal the truths hidden within your white-clad mystery.

Copyright © Beatriz Esmer

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