A Plea for Acceptance

In the mosaic of the human condition, each piece is a paradox, a blend of light and shadow. To love someone as they are it is to walk through a gallery of their soul, observing not just the art that basks in sunlight, but also the pieces that lurk in dim corners. It is to embrace the strange, peculiar character that dances between warmth and coldness, like a day that fluctuates between the caress of sunshine and the bite of frost.

Love me as I am, for I am a tapestry of contradictions. In the loom of my being, the threads of virtue and vice intertwine, crafting a design that is uniquely mine. The finished and the imperfect are woven side by side, a testament to a life lived in full spectrum. My virtues may shine like stars in the night sky, but my defects are the darkness that makes them visible.

In the depths of my soul, where the roots of my essence delve into the earth, love the good that blossoms like a rose in spring and the bad that slithers like a serpent in the grass. Both are human, both are toxic, yet both are me. Love in me the lie and the rancor, the evil that whispers in moments of weakness, as fervently as you would love my faith, my illusions, and my truth.

Take me as I am, an enigma wrapped in a riddle, a blend of the sublime and the sinister, the beautiful and the grotesque. Adore the audacity that propels me to soar, and the cowardice that sometimes clips my wings. My passions are a tempest, fierce and untamed, yet my melancholy is the calm after the storm, a silent sea reflecting the sky.

Love me as I am or let me drift into the annals of your memory. The choice is yours to make, the final decision rests in your hands. But know this: I am unapologetically myself, a soul painted in countless hues, waiting for the one who can appreciate the entire canvas. As I am, I stand before you, an open book with pages both written and blank, inviting you to read every word or close the cover forever.

Copyright © Beatriz Esmer

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