In the tender whispers of poetry, I lay to rest the burdens of mine …

In the sacred sanctuary of verse, I seek solace in your essence, a draught of inspiration that leaves me bereft of my own being. Here, amidst the tender whispers of poetry, I lay to rest the burdens that weigh upon my heart. Here, I traverse the landscape of language, each word a steppingstone drawing me closer to your visage.

And should the trials of time prove too arduous, should the expanse between us demand the ultimate sacrifice in the name of affection, know that my spirit will have intertwined with yours in the final dance of devotion. For love, that most capricious of masters, has decreed its path, and we are but travelers yielding to its inexorable journey.

In this moment, my fate is to navigate the vastness of heartache, a testament to the profound impact you’ve imprinted upon my soul. I am left to dwell in the void, a space hollowed out by your absence, where echoes of our vibrancy once filled the air. The world, it seems, has dimmed, not in despair, but because our vivid hues have painted the cosmos too brilliantly, outshining the mundane palette of existence.

Thus, I wander through the remnants of our shared dreams, where even the shadows are stained with the colors of our love, too vibrant for the world to hold.

Copyright © Beatriz Esmer

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