Sacred Whispers: The Cycle of Desire

In the sacred silence of our union, I become an acolyte of your essence, flesh of your flesh, in a rite as ancient as time itself. Let this communion be our sacrament, where I partake of you wholly, a feast not of the body but of the spirit that dances within. Your lips, trembling with the tender rhythm of life, move in perfect harmony with the pulsations of your heart—a heart that beats to the drum of your soul’s deepest yearnings.

Together, we are both vessel and void, our bodies whispering the ancient liturgy of longing, speaking the language of touch and taste. We fast, yet we are filled; our hunger is both our offering and our blessing. In this cycle of craving and fulfillment, we find our truth, our rhythm, our shared breath.

And when we are rendered into fragments, scattered like stars across the canvas of night, it is then, in our beautiful disarray, that we discover the freedom to be complete. For in the art of breaking, we learn the secret of wholeness, the beauty of becoming one with all that we are, all that we were, and all that we will ever be.

We are the poetry of flesh and soul, the story of destruction and rebirth, the paradox of being torn only to be mended into a more profound unity.

Copyright © Beatriz Esmer

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