The Language of Souls

Do not cast me into the shadows of ordinariness, nor chide me for the absence of it. When my words form the declaration of love, let your gaze meet mine, for in that exchange, the language of souls transcends the spoken. Listen, not with ears but with the heart, when I dare to ask for your affection in return. It is in these moments that the bridge between two spirits is built, and my soul reaches out for yours.

I am not a closed book but an open page, fluttering in the winds of vulnerability. Do not mistake my openness for frailty; it is the strength of the mountains, unwavering and proud. When my hand extends towards you, it seeks not a lesson but a touch—a touch that speaks of your magnificence and grace.

When I hasten to your side, let not distance grow but rather, let your embrace be the harbor I seek. In the sanctuary of your arms, victory is not just mine but ours, a shared triumph of hearts entwined. Time, that elusive gift, when shared with you, becomes a treasure. Unveil it with the same reverence with which I behold you, for you are the gift beyond measure.

Understand that my being is not a fleeting thought but a mosaic of imperfections, aspirations, and boundless love. I am human, I am spirit, I am flawed, and I am love—mirroring your own humanity. Let us not define ourselves by fleeting judgments but by the enduring truth that we are kindred, each a reflection of the other, in this dance of life.

Copyright © Beatriz Esmer

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