Exploring Touch And Love

In the quiet darkness, where sight abandons its throne, our senses awaken. Fingers trace the contours of existence, seeking solace in the familiar. How many faces lie hidden, waiting to be discovered by touch alone? The skin becomes a canvas, mapping memories and secrets—the gentle curve of a cheek, the rough edges of a scar, the pulse beneath a wrist.

And yes, I’ve closed my eyes and danced with abandon, guided by intuition rather than reason. The rhythm of life, the sway of emotions—they need no visual confirmation. In that realm of shadows, where perception transcends the visible, love blooms unencumbered. Have you ever loved someone so blindly that their essence envelops you, even in obscurity? Their ideas, like constellations, ignite galaxies within your mind—a cosmic collision of passion and understanding.

So let us close our eyes, my dear, and explore the universe of touch. For in darkness, we find not only absence but also the luminous threads that bind us—threads spun from vulnerability, trust, and the electric charge of shared dreams.

©️ Beatriz Esmer

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