The Bridge of Laughter and Tears

In the quiet hours of our shared existence, we dream of a bridge—a fragile span woven from laughter and tears. It is not a bridge of stone or steel, but of ephemeral moments that bind us. One day, we will laugh until our bellies ache, our eyes crinkling at the corners. Our laughter will echo across the chasm, filling the void with joy. We’ll share secrets, silly jokes, and memories—the kind that linger like the scent of rain on warm earth. And then, when the world turns somber, we’ll cry. Not the quiet tears of solitude, but the kind that … Continue reading The Bridge of Laughter and Tears

Love, my dear, is the truest magic …

In the labyrinth of childhood, where innocence and wisdom intertwine, we are handed a series of enigmatic scrolls—the teachings of elders, the echoes of tradition. First, they whisper to us in hushed tones: “Be good, little one, and the world will bestow upon you gifts aplenty.” And so, we tiptoe along the tightrope of virtue, balancing our deeds like fragile porcelain, hoping that our goodness will yield a harvest of treasures. But then, the winds shift, and the scrolls unfurl further. The elders, their eyes alight with fervor, reveal another truth: “Beware, for there lies a fiery abyss where sinners writhe in eternal … Continue reading Love, my dear, is the truest magic …

In the Depths of Madness

I am not here to compete, nor to parade my eloquence. My words are not a battleground, but vessels—hollow and waiting. Dip yourself into their depths, and you’ll find more than ink and syllables. There, your madness flows, intertwining with my veins. It pulses, a tempest, more potent than mere blood. In this quiet rebellion, we become more than words. We become whispers, etched into the marrow of existence. Copyright © Beatriz Esmer Continue reading In the Depths of Madness

The Myth of Electric Love

They say love makes the world spin round, but I tell you, it’s not the dizzying whirl of infatuation that keeps the stars aligned. You can want someone, dear, with a fire that consumes you from the inside out. You can want them until your very soul feels raw, exposed to the elements of desire. That kind of longing—it’s like water electrified by a live wire, a frenzied dance of molecules, chaotic and unrestrained. It can transform you into the hand that grips that wire, feeling the surge of energy, mistaking it for destiny. But that doesn’t mean it’s right. … Continue reading The Myth of Electric Love

In the Arena of Life

In the grand arena of existence, where souls collide and destinies entwine, we find ourselves caught in the dance of competition. From the individual’s heartbeat to the pulse of nations, the rhythm of rivalry echoes through time. Yet, there exists a whisper—a gentle murmur carried by the winds of empathy. It speaks of a different path, a road less traveled. For you, my friend, harbor a heart that beats not only for kin but for every fellow traveler on this cosmic journey. Remember those days when the sun painted the sky with innocence, and the world was a canvas of … Continue reading In the Arena of Life

What do you need?

He asked me what I needed, and I whispered softly, “Peace.” For too long, turmoil has raged within me, a never-ending civil war that has left me weary and worn. But in his gentle inquiry, I found a glimmer of hope, a chance for solace in the chaos. As I journey through life’s winding path, I yearn for the simplicity of a fulfilled existence. To understand the rhythm of the march, to embrace each day with the innocence of a child at play. Like an old farmer tending to his cattle, I seek to find peace in the gentle strum … Continue reading What do you need?

Dear Universe

In the tumultuous sea of human emotions and desires, I find myself adrift, lost in the storm of discontent that rages around me. But in the midst of this chaos, I turn to you, my beacon of hope and love, for guidance and solace. Like a child seeking comfort in the arms of a loving parent, I come to you with an open heart and a humble spirit, ready to receive the light of your love and the strength of your wisdom. In your presence, I find peace and clarity, a sense of purpose and direction that I could never … Continue reading Dear Universe


The rapid-fire bullet pierced the heavy morning air, shattering the tranquility of dawn. The dew-covered grass trembled under the weight of the violence that unfolded, a stark contrast to the fragile veil of night that still lingered. There was no beauty in the song of guns, no romance in the cacophony of destruction. It was the relentless march of inevitability, cutting through innocence and guilt alike. War, with its indiscriminate fury, was a scourge that could not be reasoned with or appeased. As the mortar shells exploded and the grenades echoed in the distance, I found myself enveloped in a … Continue reading War

The anger in me …

The anger in me cannot write poems It sits and watches as my words struggle to break free it spits in the face of those who claim there is only one race While the sun is stained with innocent blood. It sits and watches as the words shatter into countless stanzas trying to find their place on my tongue, but I cannot form them into coherent thoughts, the anger sits in the corner of my heart, waiting for calm. The earth is burdened with the blood of the innocent as summer days are tainted with the souls of those who … Continue reading The anger in me …

Prayer of love I

In the depths of your despair, I am the light that pierces through the darkness. In the chaos of your mind, I am the calm that soothes your soul. Into your darkest corner, you are safe in my love, you are protected. I am the sanctuary that welcomes you with open arms, the refuge that shields you from the storm. I am the openness you seek; I am your doorway to peace and serenity. Come sit in the circular temple of my heart, let the warmth of my embrace envelop you. Let the gentle rhythm of my love lull you … Continue reading Prayer of love I