The Transformative Return of Love

In the quiet solace of passing days, love took its leave, a silent thief in the night, departing without a trace. It wandered through the wilderness of the unknown, through the thicket of uncharted hearts, and in its journey, it shed its old skin. When love returned, it was not as it once was. It looked upon me with new eyes, eyes that had seen the dawn of distant horizons and the dusk of forgotten lands. Its hands, once familiar, were now those of a stranger, reshaped by the embrace of novel experiences and tender moments that I had not … Continue reading The Transformative Return of Love

 The Alchemy of Fear

Yes, I have stumbled, faltered, and found myself face down in the dirt. My failures are many, and my fears, like shadows, stretch long in the evening sun. Yet, within the scattered debris of my attempts, there lies a testament to my unwavering resolve. My journey, though marred by sputters and dust, is a mosaic of a soul yearning for transformation, a heart beating with the rhythm of hope for a healthier tomorrow. Fear, that cunning alchemist, turns today’s dread into tomorrow’s drive. It whispers of the embers that smolder within the hearth of my spirit, a silent siren calling … Continue reading  The Alchemy of Fear


I stand amidst the whispers of an unknown origin, a genesis shrouded in the cloak of winter or the meandering paths of a river. I am the seeker of voices that are not heard, words that are not spoken, and silences that are not quiet. It is not in the clarity of speech that I am called, but from the cobblestone alleys of dreams, from the intertwining limbs of night’s darkest trees. In the tumult of blazing embers or in the solemnity of my solitary journey, I find myself faceless, a phantom to the world, yet profoundly touched. This touch—it … Continue reading Poetry

The Arrival of Poetry

And it was at that age, an unmarked chapter in the book of life, when poetry arrived. It came unannounced, a silent whisperer seeking me out, a wanderer from realms unknown. Was it birthed from the cold embrace of winter, or did it emerge from the murmuring depths of a river? Its origins were a mystery, cloaked in the enigma of the elements. I cannot recount how or when it found me, for it was neither a voice that called out nor a word inscribed upon the air. It was not the hush of silence that precedes the storm. Rather, … Continue reading The Arrival of Poetry

La Noche Y El Viento

En la quietud de la noche, cuando el viento susurra entre las sombras, el eco de mi corazón se funde con la melodía de la naturaleza. He desaprendido el tacto de otro ser, pero el recuerdo de sus caricias perdura en mi piel, como un suave susurro en la brisa. En la profundidad de mi ser, late la esencia ancestral que me conecta con el universo, con el eco de antiguas leyendas que resuenan en mi ser. Soy el viento que acaricia los árboles con la misma suavidad con la que él solía acariciar mi rostro. Soy el lobo que … Continue reading La Noche Y El Viento

The Labyrinth of Language

In the labyrinth of language, I find an escape, a strange dialect that I employ to lose myself. There are days when the world’s caffeine is but a drop in the ocean of my fatigue… I pen my thoughts to anyone who would listen. This is the act of externalizing, but where does the internal reside? The internal is a cacophony of silence, a canvas of pre-art, a cosmos brimming with pre-things awaiting their names. The internal is an identity that I have crafted. At times, I write to materialize the ineffable. No matter its nature, it can always be … Continue reading The Labyrinth of Language

Saudade: A Fragrance of Memories

In the quiet corners of our souls, where time weaves its delicate threads, there exists a scent—an elusive fragrance that defies the boundaries of the present. It is called saudade, a word whispered across languages, a yearning that transcends mere nostalgia. Have you ever inhaled its essence? Have you felt its bittersweet tendrils curl around your heart, pulling you back to moments long past? Picture this: a sun-drenched afternoon, the air heavy with the promise of summer. You stand by an open window, eyes half-closed, as if catching whispers from another lifetime. And there it is—the scent of saudade. It carries you … Continue reading Saudade: A Fragrance of Memories

Drifting in the Tranquil Skies

In the world of the ethereal, where I am lighter than air, I find my existence. A state of being so delicate, so weightless, that I could forever dwell in this sensation. It is a feeling that transcends the physical, seeping into the very essence of my soul, making me yearn for its eternal embrace. I find myself adrift in tranquil skies, a silent observer to the world below. The vast expanse of azure becomes my canvas, and I, a solitary dot against its magnificent backdrop. The serenity of the heavens is a balm to my weary spirit, a gentle … Continue reading Drifting in the Tranquil Skies

Thirst for the Night Sky

Beneath the vast canvas of the twilight sky, one’s soul awakens to a profound longing. It is not the closeness of whispered secrets, nor the meticulous dance of daily routines that we seek. Beyond the confines of our intricate lives, there is a yearning for the boundless—a thirst for the celestial embrace of the cosmos. As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the world in hues of fading gold, we find ourselves craving the grandeur that comes with the night. The stars, scattered like diamond dust across the black velvet of space, beckon to us with their silent songs … Continue reading Thirst for the Night Sky

Love Settles In

In the grand fabric of life, love weaves its own intricate pattern. It arrives exactly when it’s supposed to, not a moment too soon, not a second too late. It comes in like the tide, gentle and inevitable, filling the empty spaces, making itself at home. “Welcome,” we say, our hearts fluttering like butterflies, “make yourself comfortable.” Love settles in, wraps itself around us like a warm blanket on a cold night. It becomes a part of us, a part of our story, a part of our being. It fills our days with laughter, our nights with dreams, and our … Continue reading Love Settles In