We are the Stars We are the little specks of dust that formed under the sky. In darkness, we light the way. In brightness, we ease the rays. Every move is a waterfall to each embodiment. Every strike is a point to the universe. Separated or together, we are connected in ways we don’t realize. I turn to the left, you turn to the right in exact speed and distance. I take a step, you move backward. Our energy strings melodies and lyrics together. Our gas settles on light as security. And our shine is every man’s dream. We may … Continue reading

Old soul

Old soul… I am having a deep-feeling days, but I feel not for myself alone. There is great sorrow. There is so much loss that has not been acknowledged. Some of it we see, and willfully ignore. Some of it lies unsuspected. There is ripping open that is happening. The streets flow red with blood, and we are acting as if we all have mere paper cuts. It is no wonder we go mad when we first begin to see. It is no wonder that some people scream in the streets, before they are removed from view — smeared in … Continue reading Old soul

Special place…

There is a special place in my mind that I visit when I need to remember myself. It’s a wasteland of fragmented memories, and every corner is haunted by the ghosts of dreams I’ve outgrown or convinced myself I don’t want anymore. Their faces are pale and distorted. I feel them lurking in the shadows, glowering, waiting to be realized. All of my discarded ambitions hang from the rafts like sleeping bats, angry but dormant. I feel my way along the walls, bumping into boxes, chests, and picture frames until my fingertips run across grooves of splintered wood. I tear … Continue reading Special place…

Forgive me

Forgive me. I failed to hear your voice, and in the silence feared that you had left me. I had trained my ears to hear a booming sound. I yearned for a clear bell, straining to hear the call that would surely come. The loud shout that would rise over the fog with conviction. I raged and wept and writhed in the vast silence my mind perceived. It assaulted my every sense. Why would you not make yourself known to me? I, who strained so earnestly to hear your command. In my presumptuous overreaching I deafened myself to the soft, … Continue reading Forgive me

Enter here …

Enter here and lose everything. What sort of invitation is this? Who would be foolish enough to consciously choose this? The loss of my ideas; my concepts; my spiritual superstitions; my accomplishments; all strategies that allow me to stay separate and guarded; the ability to defend myself and construct a cocoon around my heart; fantasies about what will complete me; conditioned spiritual stories about awakening and enlightenment; my habitual quest for new and fabulous “high” states of consciousness; endless activities to exit embodied immediate experience to go to a more and better place; eternal confusion around closing to the crushing … Continue reading Enter here …