
I have chimeras in my eyesBright with thirty candlesFrom sex jumps seedsExploding locomotivesI have hoarse gutsIn a rosary of my faithMy muscles are so fragilTo this network of intriguesMy Afro-latino soul criesImplodes, rips, squeezesAnd in my sleeping fingers wanderThe moon in my dreams wins Continue reading Chimeras

This body

Friends, this body, our body, is a great ocean. Concealing reefs and sea vaults heaped up with jewels. Enter its secret rooms and light your own lamp. Within the body are gardens, rare orchards, peacocks, the inner Music. Within the body a lake — a vast market. Priceless — sell yourself for a profit you cannot spend. It is sacred… Continue reading This body


Pendant longtemps j’ai cru que l’absence est manque. Et je déplorais, ignorant, ce manque. Aujourd’hui je ne le déplore plus. Il n’y a pas de manque dans l’absence. L’absence est une présence en moi. Et je la sens, blanche, si bien prise, blottie dans mes bras, que je ris et danse et invente des exclamations joyeuses, parce que l’absence, cette absence incorporé, personne ne peut plus me la dérober. — Carlos Drummond de Andrade Continue reading Absence

My incompetence …

I live, even though I attest my incompetence to living well. Despite appetites and desires, I did not learn to devour the world without destroying me together to it. I fear the inability to deal with me and everything that orbits around me: fears, passions, hurts, pleasures, anxieties, sorrows. There are no weights to my chest. The intense ones drag me all away from me. I train myself for survival protecting me in a character I create walking on the shallow without any excess that overturns me. I curse what I condemn and lose what I love. My feelings are … Continue reading My incompetence …

A word…

I want a word for the almost-home. that point where the highway’s monotony becomes familiar that subway stops whose name will always wake you from day’s-end dozing that first glimpse of the skyline that you never loved until you left it behind. what do you call the exit sign you see even in your dreams? is there a name for the airport terminal you come back to, comfortably exhausted? i need a word for rounding your corner onto your street, for seeing your city on the horizon, for flying homewards down your highway. give me a word for the boundary … Continue reading A word…