Old Woman, Wise Woman, Powerful Woman – On my birthday …

The old woman was once revered, when people revered the Great Mother, when they saw the beauty of birth, death and rebirth, the power of transformation. Now, we sit around and pretend we don’t get old and we don’t die. We feel the shift happening and we dig our heels in and pretend we can’t be touched. As I’ve aged, I’ve felt invisibility creep in. The older I get the more invisible I become, in a culture where youth and external beauty reign. All the while, I’ve become more beautiful to myself, because I am embracing and honoring the wisdom … Continue reading Old Woman, Wise Woman, Powerful Woman – On my birthday …

if it hurts, go…

Leave if your love hurts you. Leave if it is always more pain than it is joy. Contrary to what they’ll tell you, love does not make the world spin round. You can want someone, baby. You can want them until you’re raw. That kind of longing can turn you into water after a live wire has been thrown into it. It can turn you into the hand holding that wire, but that doesn’t mean it’s right. It doesn’t mean you should stay. Don’t hang around just because you’re scared that you’ll never feel that kind of electricity again. It’s … Continue reading if it hurts, go…

I never know…

I do not actually know who I am. I have tried to calculate my value, but I always find a smile and my paradise is where I am, why are we like this? Creating concepts for everything that’s left? Girls are witches or fairies, clown is a man all painted of jokes! Blue sky is the roof of the world! Dream is something that is inside of my pillow…♥ Teatro Mágico Continue reading I never know…

Life is made up…

Life is made up of cycles. Fortunately! Curiously, however, although we perfectly know so well about this, we are always trying (in vain) to attain the supposed permanence. We hope voraciously that things will remain, that the good moments stay and – utopia of utopias – that people will stay forever by our side. Rare is the people who stay. Most of them go their way, bumping into so many other people, breaking new ground. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus, in the mid-fifth century BC, already said that “everything flows, everything is continually transformed”. There is nothing to be fixed, nothing … Continue reading Life is made up…

Over pages…

Chapter 1 Take the pieces and make hope. Dust up the cracks and sprinkle them over the page and watch the world form beneath them. Chapter 2 Tear pieces of your heart and stain the words in red. Give them anger. Give them love. Chapter 15 Make war. Let storms, in all their fury, teach you the art of wreckage and bask in the peace buried in the rubble. Chapter 45 Take a sword and learn to write, while the pain seeps into parchment. Take the monster and give it a soul. Have its actions haunt you. The Final Chapter … Continue reading Over pages…

made by sugar…

She, made by sugar, wanted to drink other poisons; this oath would find her happiness with: starting to keep this great desire to escape. She wanted to evoke the most delicate blue to her eyes and the smartest way to be innocent again, with no time to feel shortages. For this, she occupied herself with the word, only one, that she could use all the letters and sounds to not just suffice that could demand herself tears, breasts and hopes. A word that was so done of everything to explain to her everything that did not embrace her out, completely. … Continue reading made by sugar…

El tempo…

El tiempo pasa entre nosotros, acariciando nuestra piel, arrugándonos. Pasa entre mis dedos, volviéndolos ásperos. Pasa por mi mente, borrándola. Se vuelve testigo de nuestras acciones, cómplice de todas nuestras intenciones. El tiempo es enemigo de quien huye y, amigo, de quien pretende olvidar. Solamente hay algo que el tiempo no puede aprisionar, que no puede desmembrar y enterrar: el amor. El amor es quien trasciende a todas dimensiones… ❤   Continue reading El tempo…


When I began my degree in February 1986, a lot of things changed rapidly. I was more out of my comfort zone than I’ve ever been. Things improved but I was very afraid that I was spinning wildly into the air and losing my feet. I was holding back because I was afraid I’d get ahead of myself. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be aware if I got on my high horse. I was happy making my dreams a reality, but I was afraid that I’d lose a sense of reality. I’ve learned that it’s ok to be happy. … Continue reading Memories…

Love… true love

Being with someone you love is an incredible feeling, you can’t really put it into words. But for me, it’s when you’re standing right next to each other and you still can’t even begin to gather up the thoughts of how that person makes you feel. It’s when you’re laying down, day dreaming about them, replaying your memories and experiences together. It’s when you’re really sad about something, or need someone to talk to and they’re always there to listen. It’s wanting to hold them every chance you get, for how ever long. It’s when you think about them that … Continue reading Love… true love